2020 Armor releases “Coach View” an Analytical Tool for Coaches to Back Better Decisions

TORONTO, ON — 2020 Armor, the creator of mass market electronic martial art training equipment and software, has announced the release of “Coach View” – a reporting tool built into the 2020 Armor mobile app designed for high performance coaches, athletes and martial art enthusiasts. Coach View is the first system built for martial artists that measures and aggregates physical metrics such as reaction time, power, stamina – but also sparring related information such as pressure, blocking and follow up ratio.
Is the Athlete Peaking, Plateauing or on a Decline?
Ali Ghafour, Founder and CEO of 2020 Armor says, “Our vision at 2020 Armor is to be the standard training equipment and software for the 240M people that practice martial arts. With Coach View, we can directly address the needs of coaches, high performance players and martial art enthusiasts who want to make better decisions and win more tournaments.”
“What gets measured gets improved” is a philosophy we live by at 2020 Armor. There are 14 data points or qualities that make up a good fighter. Reaction time, power, stamina, pressure, blocking, strategy, etc. but we currently do not measure any of these. Without measurement, the only way we know we are improving is when we have the test i.e. a competition or a belt promotion.
Coach View knows before a competition where an athlete stands physically and where they stand with their sparring habits. Coaches and athletes can now devise a smarter plan going into the game. For example, before going into a match, Coach View can show that the athlete’s reaction time is down by 20%, but their stamina is up by 30% and their blocking performance in the last month has increased by 30%. This is showing in numbers if the athlete is peaking, plateaued or declining. With this information, the coach and athlete can determine that the athlete should not rely as much on their speed this game, and more on striking volume. This is game changing information that can determine if you will win or lose a match”.
For the martial art enthusiast, Coach View is designed to show development through numbers. Traditionally, growth is acknowledged with a visual inspection by a professional (or master) via belt promotions. These milestones are invaluable in the journey of a martial artist and must still continue as a qualified instructor must make the final decision if progress has been made in all aspects of a martial artist’s training. With Coach View, a martial artist can see their progress in between belt promotions and also share this data with their coach – resulting in a more engaged student. Engaged students have been proven to train harder and stay longer with a martial arts club.
Going from No Data to Instant Insights
Coach View fixes two major gaps in a coach/high performance athlete’s training. Collecting very hard to collect physical and sparring data and analyzing this data.
For example, Stamina in sport is traditionally measured via VO2 max on a treadmill. VO2 max is a great proxy, but due to the complexity and cost of measurement, it is not practical and we do not get enough data points to adjust our training. Also, a martial art match is not the same as running on a treadmill, which introduces other inaccuracies.
With 2020 Armor and Coach View you can measure your stamina at your club or home everyday as often as you like using martial art movements. The more data points you have, the more accurate picture you can build of a fighter. Stamina can be also broken down into independent techniques. A coach and athlete can see what the stamina is of a particular kick or punch which is very powerful.
Analyzing sparring data is done usually by recording a sparring match with one’s phone. There may or may not be other electronic scoring systems involved in the sparring match. If there was one being used, you would need to ensure the score that was shown on another screen was in frame while recording the match. After the match is done, the analysis begins and the coach and athlete manually track the kicks and the match.
This process (if done at all) is very time consuming, not accurate and requires another data analysis system to store and aggregate the data. With 2020 Armor Coach View, the athletes connect their phone to the 2020 Armor vests, spar and all the data is automatically tracked and saved. Coaches and athletes can see how much pressure an athlete is putting, how their blocking is, how many combinations they throw and how many successful kicks they landed. All this is delivered with a video that has the full score overlaid on top and displaying in real time.
You can view more information at store.2020armor.com
About 2020 Armor
2020 Armor is a sports technology company that develops electronic martial art equipment and software to bring out a martial artists full potential. The company’s flagship product, the 2020 Armor Vest, tracks impact through a smart vest that shows the score on the vest using scoring from popular video games like Street Fighter. Customers include some of the largest martial art clubs in the world, Olympians and recreational users at home. The team that founded 2020 Armor consists of former professional martial art players. Investors in 2020 Armor include other professional martial artists and families of major sports brands such as Adidas.