2020 Armor Tips: Trial Conversion Mastery

2020 Armor has an incredibly active social community full of professional athletes, experienced coaches and successful school owners. To date we have over 12,000 followers across all of our social media platforms.
We want to use this incredible resource to provide our customers with advice that will help make your school more successful, your practice more fulfilling and connect you to people in your industry that need your expertise.
So we regularly pose questions to our community on our Facebook page. And we’ve been getting some incredible responses.
We’ve decided to select a couple of the best answers and post them on our website as 20/20 Tips. This post focuses on how you can become a Trial Conversion Master!
Question: What's Your Secret For Converting Trial Memberships to Full-Time Students
“Having a system is important,” says Nicholas Cotellese, Manager at Black Dragon Martial Arts. “We bring in good sized numbers of trials each month and our conversion % really grew when we implemented a system/task list for conversion.Every part of our system is based on making a connection and showing that we care. So that’s really the secret, caring.”
We asked to learn more about his system and were blown away by the answers.
“Our trial packages are six week-packages, but we shoot for conversion in week 2,” explained Cotellese.
“Before 1st class...
- Add parents to private Facebook group
- Welcome video for students and tag parents. Get others to comment.
- Text reminder for 1st class
- Prepare welcome basket
Week 1:
- Present welcome basket with gift
- Send thank you card with Starbucks gift card
- Send touch note
- Post video of 1st class in Facebook group
- Send video to parents
There’s tasks for each week that our team takes care of, all to provide an experience that was MORE than they expected. They already expected to get quality martial arts instruction so for us, just having great classes is not enough.”
Master Justin Castillo, head instructor and owner at Maximum Martial Arts University found that focusing on customer service was a huge difference maker in his recruitment process.
“There are all kinds of tactics out there,” says Castillo. “I tell my staff to just be genuine, with no high pressure sales. We also never call anyone by their name on the phone, when they inquire about class, only ‘Sir or Ma’am’ and ‘your child or little one’, the opposite of what every industry leader says to do. As soon as they walk through our door, we make a point to remember their names, Mom and Dad’s names, brothers’ and sisters’ names. Treat them like family once they try class and every single day after that, not because we even want to sell them on anything, but because they came to us and decided to be part of our martial arts family. When our students walk through the door, they and their family are greeted by name by multiple staff members. It has grown the school well, since we made that paradigm shift. Other than that, teach with consistency, ALWAYS with a life lesson for the day. And, we give away the uniform with our 6-week trial, so they don’t need any major investments for about 6 months, because we don’t allow white belts to spar. That makes the process very simple.”
The owners of 2020 Armor have six schools and over 2000 students. We’ve designed our products to help with every facet of running a school. One of the biggest things we’ve found during our trial memberships is that you need to overcome student’s fears they can’t learn. So we try to set a goal and help them achieve it. For our first in class demonstration we use the armor. Set it on a low setting and challenge them to get to yellow. Most kids can do this, and with a little instruction you can get them to beat their own scores. By showing students their progress you reassure them that they are getting better and keep them engaged with their studies.
Check out http://2020armor.com/payback/ to find out more about how we can help you convert recruits into students and earn back your investment in three months or less.
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