At Home Training by 2020 Armor Partner Skillz: Lesson #2 Teamwork for 5-6 Year Olds
Section 1: Active Warm-ups
- Arms: Shoulder taps for 10 reps – You will tap your left should with your right hand, and then tap your right shoulder with your left hand.
- Legs: Beginner squats for 10 reps – You will lower your body into a deep squat position while your arms remain extended in front of you, and then raise your body back up.
- Abs: Sit ups for 10 reps – You will raise your shoulders off the ground, and then lower them back to the ground.
- Core: Bridge with side taps for 10 reps – Tap the side of your leg with your hand, alternating arms.
Assignment Overview
- Today you are going to work on TEAMWORK.
- Here are the three TEAMWORK tips that I want you to practice today:
- Be loud when you lead your partner.
- Go through the commands quickly.
- Lead by great example.
Section 2: Skill-building drill (Do three sets)
- Be the coach: You will build your TEAMWORK skills by coaching your partner through an exercise of your choice. When you lead, follow these steps: 1.) Say the name of the exercise; 2.) Say how many reps you will do; and 3.) Lead by counting out each rep. Switch partners.
- Lumber jacks – You will practice teamwork by kicking targets back and forth with your partner 10 times each leg.
Section 3: Active stretches
- Arm circles backwards and forwards for 10 reps each – Swing your arms in large circles to the front and then to the back.
- Ski’s for 10 reps each – Stand with feet together. Place your hands on your knees. While keeping your knees together, move them in a large circular clockwise motion, then switch directions.
- Side lunges for 10 reps – Stand with feet together. Step out to the side with one foot. Bend your knee while keeping your hands on the floor. Alternate sides.
- Cross over toe touches for 10 reps – From a standing position cross one leg over the other, keeping feet close together. Place one hand over the other and lean forward to touch your toes. Alternate sides.
For more information on all the amazing things that Skillz Connect are doing for martial arts schools across the world please go to their website and discover how they can help your school.
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